Post-Soviet Art Museums in the Era of Globalization | FWF_P20474-G13 | Open Access

As of 2009, the Austrian Science Fund, FWF, requires all project leaders of FWF-funded research to follow open access policy. All publications, conference activities, and lectures referring to the above mentioned project (2008-2011) are therefore listed in [publications]. Some appeared in e-journals, some in print journals; some of the latter are now attached as pdf files in [download]. A number of publications cannot be made public here as permission was not granted by the editors of the respective journals, book, and catalogue publications.

PDF 1-3 © Parnass Verlag, Vienna, Austria,
PDF 4 © neues museum 3/2011, Österreichischer Museumsbund,
PDF 5 © Zimmerli Journal, Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, N. J., U. S. A.
PDF 6 © Reimer Verlag Berlin,
PDF 7 © PD Dr. Waltraud Bayer, 02/2012

[PDF 1]   Osteuropäische Kunstszene.
Kunst als Ware und Kapitalanlage (Parnass 01/2008, 130-133)

[PDF 2]   Die Hermitage Amsterdam.
Russische Expansion an der Amstel (Parnass 04/2009, 108-112)

[PDF 3]   Rewriting Worlds.
Moskauer Biennale der Superlative (Parnass 04/2011, 78-79)

[PDF 4]   Der virtuelle Kreml: Eine neue Multimedia-Ausstellung zeigt die wechselvolle Geschichte der Moskauer Residenz (neues museum 3/2011, 64-70)
[PDF 5]   The Unofficial Market: Art and Dissent, 1956-88 (Zimmerli Journal No. 5, Fall 2008, 58-83)
[PDF 6]   Engagement für Dissens: Die Sammlerin Tatiana Kolodzei (Dorothee Wimmer u. a. Hg.: Kunstsammlerinnen. Peggy Guggenheim bis Ingvild Goetz, Berlin 2009, 191-203)
This link opens alternatively at the start of the article (p. 191) or with the book cover; in the latter case pls. enter the indicated page in the book navigation.
[PDF 7]   PSAM_finalreport_fwf_2012
[PDF 8]   Filantropija_Bayer_Preprint_Printout
[PDF 9]   FWF_FINALREPORT_Summaries_Appendix_2022