PD Mag. Dr. Waltraud Maria Bayer | Graz University | funded by FWF
Born in Vienna, Austria, lives there
Research and teaching at Graz University, Department of History, 1991-2016
Ad personam contract research, FWF, Austrian Science Fund, Vienna, 2018-2022
2018-2022   Project: Russian ‘Oligarch’ Museums and Foundations
2012-2016   Project: Creating Contemporary Art Museums in the Post-Soviet Space
2008-2011   Project: Post-Soviet Art Museums in the Era of Globalization
2004-2007   Project: From Cultural to Economic Capital, 1985-2005
2007   Defence of post-doctoral thesis Private Art Collecting in the Soviet Union, 1917-1991, at Graz University, degree: Univ.-Doz.
2006   Norton T. and Nancy Dodge Fellowship, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, N. J.
2001-2004   Hertha-Firnberg-Position, project: The Unofficial Art Market in the USSR, 1917-1991
1998   Research Prize of the City of Vienna
1995-2001   Various research projects on art collecting in the USSR (case studies) and on the nationalization and export of formerly private art property, 1917-1938
1996   Theodor-Koerner-Prize
1991-1995   Research Assistant to Prof. Harald HEPPNER, study on bourgeois art patronage in Tsarist Russia, 1850-1917
1992-2004   Extensive research stays abroad – in Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Armenia, Kazakhstan, the Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, and the USA.
1991   Ludwig-Jedlicka-Memorial-Prize (Ph. D. thesis)
1990   Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph. D.) awarded for doctoral thesis on "The Russian Press during the Bosnian Crisis of 1908/9. Foreign Political Views of Moscow's and St. Petersburg's Leading Press Organs within the Context of European Policy" by the Department of Research on East and South East Europe, Vienna University
1987-1989   Academic year at the Moscow-based Institute for Slavic and Balkan Studies (Prof. Tofik Islamov) at the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1987/88, and, in 1988/89, various short grants for Leningrad, Western Ukraine, Central Asia, Caucasus
1985   Masters Degree (M. A.) from Vienna University (Language Department: English major, Russian minor)
1980-1981   Fulbright Grant. Academic year at the College of St. Catherine's, St. Paul, MN, USA (American and cultural studies; English and Spanish); WINTERIM at WCLA, Washington DC